There is one and only one way to reconcile your relationship while putting him on the throne if this is your setup and it must be initiated fairly early on. * NOTE: If you're a non-human and are looking to put Alistair on the throne it is HIGHLY suggested that you read his outcomes. Some of these can contain spoilers so it's best if you don't look them over unless you're trying to force a particular ending. At the bottom of each section is a list of possible outcomes for any of your relationships. Completing the personal quest and giving them a unique gift will almost certainly bring your affection up high enough to "conclude" your courtship. The two easiest ways to do this are by giving them gifts and finishing their personal quests. An important part of this whole process is raising the party members affection rating.

It's usually fairly easy to tell what is going to alienate your potential mate but if you're not feeling like taking the risk then simply be sure to save your game before speaking to them in the party camp so that a simple reload will solve any mistakes. While you can get away with some measure of sarcasm, especially as far as Alistair and Morrigan go, but you always run the risk of angering them with a smart mouthed response. How to Romance = Intiating a romance in Dragon Age is as simple as being nice to the members of your party. YES NO5 - Morrigan 6 - Zevran 7 - About the Author = 1.